A bright and magical word floating around dōTERRA® right now is mālama, a Hawaiian term that encapsulates the idea of sharing hope and healing through gifts of the earth. With an upcoming day in May set aside for us to show special honor to our mothers, it’s a wonderful time to think about how women extend hope and healing to their families every day, and how to use essential oils to support them in their extremely important tasks. Whether you go by the name Mom, Mum, Mama, or something else entirely, it’s your nature to nurture; and you deserve thanks for that role. Remember to take a few minutes out of your day to do something for yourself.
Babies! They make the world go round. More accurately, their mamas make the world go round by raising these little girls and boys to become the next generation to fill this world and be a force for good. It’s about time we zoom in on some recipes tailor made to help parents care for their little ones — naturally. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends, you lean in too; these are great gift ideas!
Commercial baby wipes are often made with ingredients that can be irritating to a baby’s delicate skin. Add to that the fact that we live in an era when simplification and less dependence on store-bought products are on the rise, and this practical recipe for homemade wipes is beginning to sound like an intriguing addition to the modern diaper bag.
To create Homemade Wipes, you’ll need:
• 1 roll premium paper towels
• 2 cups warm water
• 2 tablespoons Fractionated Coconut Oil
• 3 drops Lavender oil
• 3 drops Tea Tree oil
• 1 airtight storage container
First, cut paper towel roll in half with a serrated knife, creating two smaller rolls. One will be used now and the other can be used later, after you’ve had a chance to put these homemade wipes to the test and are ready for round two. Place one of the cut paper towel rolls on its end in an appropriately sized storage container, then add the water and oil mixture. Turn the paper towel roll until most all of the liquid is absorbed. Carefully lift out and discard/recycle the cardboard roll. Voila! Pull wipes from the center as needed, being sure to close the container tightly after each use. To adapt this recipe to be used on-the-go, move some of the wipes to a zippered bag specifically intended to hold wet items.
With a little bit of practice, these Lavender-laced wipes may become your most reliable baby shower gift! The next recipe makes a delightful companion to the first. It’s another diaper bag addition that helps with, you guessed it, diaper duty. Every mom knows that their little ones can feel uncomfortable when it comes to this area, and every mom wants a trusty way to soothe her baby. She’ll thank you for this one!
Let’s mix up a super easy Pacifying Balm using:
• 1/2 cup unrefined coconut oil
• 30 drops dōTERRA Lavender
• four-ounce glass jar
Measure out your unrefined coconut oil, which may be solidified or melted at the moment, depending on the temperature. Add Lavender oil, adjusting amount of drops as desired. Note: one 15 mL dōTERRA bottle contains somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 drops, so 30 drops won’t deplete your supply as quickly as it may sound. However, this recipe will work just fine with several fewer drops of oil, if you need to conserve. Stir well, then pour mixture into a clean, small jar with a snug-fitting lid.
It’s no accident that sweet, calming Lavender appears in both these recipes. Together, they make a useful and thoughtful gift combination for a new or expecting mom! Time and space do not permit me to go into all of the applications of essential oils to other areas of motherhood, including those queasy feelings that can accompany pregnancy and the unique challenges of the postpartum period. Suffice it to say that these brown-bottled gifts of nature truly deliver the nurture.