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Tachyon Healing Chamber

Remote Healing Sessions Now Available

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Imagine a sanctuary, a tranquil safeplace, infused with nurturing energy, tucked away amidst the beautiful countyside of the south side of the Isle of wight. A perfect place to detox from a fast paced life, surrounded by nature with space to meditate and realign, or discover your souls journey.

broken image

Here cutting edge Quantum technology combines with ancient knowledge to provide the ultimate healing experience.
we have a place designed with the sole purpose of raising your awareness, your consciousness and even your physical health.
Tachyons are subatomic particles infused with the full spectrum of spiritual light. Inside
the chamber, Tachyon energy triggers the innate healing intelligence of the
body and mind.
• 100% pain free therapyy
If your unable to travel to our beautiful Island in person, but are keen to align to 'Zero point' energy source, you can still experience the benifits of the Tachyon Chamber via a remote healing session through Quantum Entanglement..

Remote healing sessions available over zoom or phone, please contact us for more information.

Prices Start at £80.00 for 1 hour 15 min session.

The Pleiadians have indicated that we are now on a more successful timeline and anchored into the Golden Age of Aquarius, if your interested in joining with the global synchronized meditation group, contact us for more details.

Clients have noticed an increase in the Quantuum Field Connection over the last year, and acceleration of time and clarity of direction since using the chamber.

We are in challenging times indeed at the moment and so many Star Seeds and Lightworkers are really feeling tired and in need of an uplifting experience.

The chamber helps align your energy field and eases the Ascension symptoms, giving a welcome boost as you connect with the Zero Point Tachyons.

  • 1. Reduction of symptoms of pain and feeling lethargic
  • 2. Memory and concentration increased
  • 3. Body is assisted in gentle detoxication
  • 4. Deep Relaxation
  • 5. Energy blocks are released from all layers and levels of the body and energy field
  • 6. Mental, emotional, and spiritual fields are cleared and charged with light particles
  • 7. Harmonises harmful EMF in the body and aura field
  • 8. Strongly amplifies any desired manifestation desirese

This amazing Pleiadian Technology is here to assist your journey aligning to the Quantum age, Aquarius the Golden Age.

Stop the struggle and dance with life, there is so much to look forward to.

Looking forward to welcoming you to this new experience.

