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  • Therapy Services with Charlotte

    Energy medicine is the way forward.

    The future of our health care is changing. We are incredible electromagnetic beings and need treating holistically, mind, body and spirit together.

    Over the years I have trained in some amazing therapies, that are perhaps still considered by some to be 'out of this world'. We now have available a Tachyon Healing Chamber. A unique opportunity to experience Zero point enegy and help prepair you to your alignment with the Golden Age, embracing the divine feminine energy and earths 5D shift...

    If you feel stressed or out of energetic alignment,have a look below and see what Quantum healing therapy is available. I look forward to starting you on an exciting journey of self discovery

    Charlotte x

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    Tachyon Healing Chamber

    Are you functioning at optimum health?

    Connect with source energy, balance and restore

    What is a TACHYON CHAMBER?
    Imagine a santury, a tranquil safe place infused with nurturing energy

    tucked away admist the beautiful countryside.

    Here cutting edge technology combines with ancient knowledge to provide the ultimate healing experience.

    The Isle of Wight's premier Tachyon Healing Chamber- is a place designed with the soul purpose of raising your awareness, your consciousness and even your physical health.

    Tachyons are subatomic particles infused with the full spectrum of spiritual light. Inside the chamber Tachyon energy triggers the innate healing intelligence of the body and mind.

    • 100% pain free therapy

    • Completely non-invasive

    • Relaxing & restorative

    • Supports natural healing

    Tachyon Energy is non-structured, formless Zero-Point Energy. It is not limited to a certain frequency it cannot be measured in the Hertzian frequency spectrum, but rather includes all energies in itself.

    Whatever goes wrong in our physical body or in the subtle bodies, can be corrected by applying specific information for that particular process. This is possible through Tachyon energy, for Tachyon energy is the gateway back to Zero Point energy.

    Here are some of the benefits recorded from being inside a tachyon chamber:

    • 1. Reduction of symptoms of pain and feeling lethargic
    • 2. Memory and concentration increased
    • 3. Body is assisted in gentle detoxication
    • 4. Deep Relaxation
    • 5. Energy blocks are released from all layers and levels of the body and energy field
    • 6. Mental, emotional, and spiritual fields are cleared and charged with light particles
    • 7. Harmonises harmful EMF in the body and aura field
    • 8. Strongly amplifies any desired manifestation/desire

    Prices from £80.00 -£120 per session.

    Remote Healing Chamber sessions via zoom or phone connection available for those unable to attend in person.

    It is recommended to have the minimum of 6 Tachyon chamber sessions to get the best results.

    We offer 6 sessions for the price of 5 !! So you get one for free.

    Single Taster sessions for new clients, and top ups for existing clients are available.

    |Sessions are 1 hour 15-30 mins

    Please contact me to book a 15 min phone consultation to discuss your requirements.

    How to get to us

    We are 25 mins drive from the Car ferry ports, Fishbourne, East Cowes and Yarmouth. The crossing is between 45 m to 1 hour from either Portsmouth,Southampton or Lymington. There is a 10 min crossing for passengers on Hovertravel from Southsea to Ryde and 20 mins on the Fast Cat from Portsmouth. Southern Vectis no 6 bus runs to our village from Newort. There is car hire available, enquire at Hovertravel terminal.

    Accomodation is available in the local area, please ask if you need further details.

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    Quantum Biofeedback Therapy

    Relax ,Restore, Renew, and enjoy a stress relieving session

    The Genius Quantum Biofeedback works by using electromagnetic frequencies. Every cell in our body emits a frequency and when we are out of balance due to stress or ill health the signals change. We loose our life force energy.

    Using this therapy can reveal a personalised assesment of which stresses are happening, pinpointing intolerance's and highlighting imbalances in the electromagnetic field.

    Once the assesment has taken place a personalised panel of selected frequencies is played to you for 20mins whilst you relax, to assist re alignment, clear negitive energy and restore balance to the energy field working on mind body and spirit.

    This therapy can take place in person or remotely via zoom. With the additional one off purchase of an Quantum app, you can then play the frequencys for a further 6 days to reinforce the treatment.

    This app can then be used further Quantum Biofeedback treatment sessions at any future time and it includes a bonus panel for chakra balancing when required for maintenece of health.

    You can also easily request further remote sessions by sending your personal data needed for the assessment directly via the app off your phone or tablet.

    After the inital session you will recieve a report, showing your auric field and other information about the chakras,meridians etc, higlighting your current energetic imbalances and you can track your progress as you have further treatments.

    With this knowledge we can help you make health choices and change lifestyle habits to address the current state of wellbeing.

    What are the benifits of this treatment?

    • Beneficial frequencies will harmonize and help reduce stress
    • Improve overall energy flow
    • Encourage the body to re-balance mind, body and spiritual energy.
    • Clear Auric field
    • Balance Chakras
    • Helps identitfy route cause of stress or imbalances
    • Greater self mastery and awareness
    • Better sleep
    • Deeper relaxation

    This is a non-invasive therapy. Having a biofeedback session can be deeply relaxing, helping trigger the body's inate healing systems. Energy medicine is our future Quantum healing is emerging into everyones awareness now ,I have been working with this program since 2013 and see it develope and grow and have been achieving great results with clients. This Quantum therapy opens up an opportunity of self-discovery, by observing the data, understanding more about your electromagnetic system and identfying imbalances, you can have a deeper understanding of the physical and metaphysical areas that need attention. With this knowledge it assists greater self mastery and holistic healing.

    How long does it take?

    The in person sessions takes anywhere from an hour to 1 to 1 and a half hours depending on the level of analysis into the body’s energy fields required for your personal session.

    Most of the assessment is done prior to and after your personal appointment, from the data you will need to send me via the app you will need to install after you have booked and filled in the health questionaire.

    I can anaylise thousands of different conditions and remedies that could identify the cause of imbalances and support the restoration in your energy field. it takes time to create a individual plan for your session outside of your physical appointment.

    Sessions can also be combined with other relaxing therapeutics like essential oils to help you feel more deeply relaxed, re-balanced and restored.

    You will need to contact me to book a 15 min phone consultation to discuss a treatment plan.

    A block of 6 sessions is reccomended if you are working on any health condition.

    Single Taster sessions available for new clients and top ups for existing clients are available.

    Prices from £85.00 -£250

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    Quantum Healing Instant transformation

    Find the stillness within to expand into universal consciousness

    I have been a Reiki healer for over 20 years, but since qualifying 6 years ago with a diploma in Quantum Healing I have been experienced truly amazing results .

    So what is it about?

    When you become aware that human limitations are just an illusion as we move forward into understanding consciousness. Instant transformation uses Quantum physics by a range of non-invasive techniques to shift blockages in the energy field. Everything in existence is entangled and we are in a constant flow of flux which means now is the time for all of us to create and access our infinite potential, clear time lines and past life traumas, take back your power and create the life you dream of living.

    Prices from £65-£85

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    Aura and Chakra Imaging & Photography

    How can this help me with my health and wellbeing?

    ‘Inneractive Video’ Aura Imaging, is an interesting, informative and fun way of exploring your electromagnetic energy field. By seeing a colourful photographic representation of your energetic state helping you with understanding where your energetic blockages are.

    I offer relaxing therapy for clearing your energy field using essential oils, crystals and other meditative techniques. Help you to align more fully with the universal life force energy to improve your health and wellbeing.


    • Aura and Chakra photograph, 3-page personalised reading and report
    • 22-page report, personalised reading with Aura & Chakra photography.
    • Chakra 'check ups' available (for existing clients only )


    • Quantum healing sessions with before and after photographs. ​ ​

    Find out more about your magical life force energy and enjoy a session of self-discovery with this amazing equipment.

    Only available in person

    PRICES from £35.00-£60.00

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    What other things are available?

    Are you functioning at optimum health?

    Would you like to improve your energy ?

    • Investigate the source of stress and dis-ease in the body
    •  Develop a personalised wellbeing Plan.
    •  Help you Resolve issues by using a holistic approach.

    Lab tests.

    • Hair test for Mineral imbalance and Toxins
    • Stool tests for Gut issues
    • Blood type Testing kits and Lewis sub groups analysis
    • Grounding equipment

    We Offer

    Relaxing, de-stressing, restorative, healing

    therapeutic treatments and products,

    to sooth your body and mind and spirit.

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    Heart Rate Variability testing & Mitochondrial Rescue therapy

    What is Mitochondrial Rescue?

    Using the very sophisticated Kardivar HRV ( Heart Rate Variability) device, the stress levels in your body can be calculated to determine the state of your health, seen through the eyes of your Autonomic Nervous System. (ANS). From the signals received from you to the device we can look at the heart’s rhythm and how the Heart, Brain and Organs are communicating with each other. See how balanced the Parasympathetic and Sympathetic systems are and how this relates to your Hypothalamus and Pituitary Glands.

    When you are stuck in a stressful life, you are permanently in fight or flight and this is a place that it is very difficult to heal from. The body is too tense from stress and gradually breaks down, in turn you experience the symptoms of “dis-ease” in the body.

    Mitochondrial Rescue using the Kardivar HRV is able to show us how your body is managing the various forms of stress whether they be Physical, Emotional, Mental, Chemical or Electromagnetic.

    And then we can offer the mitochondrial rescue therapy as appropriate for your current state of health.

    Initial consultation £85.00 follow up £75.00

    Only available in person.

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    AROMATOUCH and more.

    Feeling Stressed or emotionally unbalanced? let our essential oils sooth you.

    The dōTERRA ArōmaTouch Technique is a clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help balance sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of the body.

    Developed by Dr. David Hill, a leading expert in integrative medicine and therapeutic applications of essential oils, the ArōmaTouch Technique improves well-being by reducing physical and emotional stressors and by supporting healthy autonomic function.

    The technique is simple and intuitive and uses dōTERRA CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils for an unparalleled grounding experience.

    Prices for AromaTouch £85.00

    You can also book a 30 min online complimentary aromatherapy consultation and learn how to get started with doterra oils for yourself and your family .

    If you would also like to join my team and share the oils with others or train in AromaTouch yourself ,check out the pages on this website and then Contact me .

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    Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.

  • Contact Us

    Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.